Saturday, February 16, 2008

Homework catch up

I finally caught up with my physical science homework! Aye. I thought I'd never finish.

Couldn't sleep all that well last night. My mind wouldn't shut up and kept paying more attention to playing a free cell game on my iPod than going to sleep. Eventually I fell asleep sometime after 9 or 10am and woke up again around..3pm.

Tonight as I mentioned already, I caught up with my physical science homework and then Lisa and I started doing some major cleaning - actually she started and then I joined in because we were initially looking for an adapter for my Comcast cable box..that I forgot to send back last year. I called via relay and asked if I'll still get my left over credit once I finally do send back my box... sure enough I'll get a lovely $12.51. Not a lot but hey, every little bit helps a poor college kid like myself!

I think my place looks worse when it should be looking better! HA! It will, later. :)

1 comment:

Candace D said...

I'm the kind of person that would search the house high and low if it meant just getting $5.00 back! Even if it meant turning the house upside down. :)