Sunday, March 30, 2008

Focus again.

It's so great that one session with a therapist can make a big difference. Friday I didn't do any homework.. Saturday night I got little bit of math done.. and some science as well, so it's nice to feel "sane" enough to do some homework. :)

Now I'm tired because I bought this new knitting loom thing to try to make a blanket.. or a scarf.. whatever. It took me a while to get the hang of it but I think I'm getting it! I just don't like that it's rolling up on the way out.. I'll have to take pictures tomorrow and post them to give an idea of what I'm talking about.

I'm just feeling better, it's a good thing.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Stressful, Long Week

I'm not going to go into too many details.. but I did have a really long week. By Wednesday night I felt like I've gone crazy. Oddly enough, no crying happened this week so consider it a good thing. I've just been feeling so out of control - spring break just wasn't long enough! I made it to most my classes but just had way too many moments where nothing felt OK. By Wednesday afternoon, all I could think about was getting home and staying in bed.. Thursday I made it to class, was a few minutes late but I made it.. I certainly kept my promise to myself to make it to my classes! I just couldn't focus on anything.. Luckily I had a great therapy session where I was able to vent all of my frustrations and she told me what I already knew but it seriously helps to actually hear it too. It's basically telling me I can't control everything and I shouldn't try.. and the fact that I haven't done any homework this week, it's OK. It's OK because tomorrow is another day. So.. today I felt pretty good for once! Tired strangely, but better than the four days before.

Other than that, I am seriously hoping for a good nights sleep, get up early, head out to a library maybe so my friend and I can get another museum card.. If no one has any then... I'll go by myself..

Saturday, March 22, 2008

First Workout

I met with the trainer today.. I'm glad I went! It really helped solve some things and get me motivated to keep it up.. Now I just have to incorporate good foods and sleep.. and homework.

Ha,my legs are SORE. That was the first notion of pain.. it's a good pain of course.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Such a Mess

I hate having a cold that just feels like crap.. Last night was worse. I attempted to go out for a long walk but once I made it to Western, I just felt crappy. So I went to browse around Toys R Us, then thought about ordering Chinese and instead went to Dominicks, got a nice salad, Pita chips and some garden vegatable hummus. Made my way home and on the way there just felt more and more tired - like I'm just folding over. I can't bear to stand up straight and I just want to lay down. Finally got to my apartment, dropped my stuff, sat on the floor and ate. By the time I finished, I had a lovely headache, put on some Gilmore Girls on my computer and fell asleep.

By the way, before deciding to skip class because I suck at everything else as a college student, I enrolled in a Bank of America checking and savings account.

Today I woke up late, dragged my sorry ass out of bed, took a cab.. I made it to my science class and I could not focus on anything. I was so mentally gone today.. me and this other girl just copy off the girl that sits between us because I just suck. That's my word today. Suck. I might use that word so much that it will loose all meaning to you and anyone else that reads this.

At the moment as I'm updating this, I'm also doing a relay call with social security to let them know of my new checking account info.. and I'm going to wait til after the third of next month to make sure everything runs smoothly.. plus I'll have to call Bally after they take out this months payment.. all is fun really.

Anyway, I'm done with that call and now I need to just go away before my math class... At least the weather is getting better for once!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Spring is ALMOST here

Yesterday and today I noticed something interesting.. the SUN was out! Well, let me take that back - yesterday it was windy and big flurries came tumbling down but nothing stuck. Today the SUN was OUT! It was really nice!

I wasn't feeling well yesterday, just kind of weird. I don't know how to explain it but my body was definitely fighting the need to get sick but eventually had to let go. I've already been fighting a cold and a junky cough but it let loose over night. So I skipped my 2pm class to rest up for my 6pm math midterm. I think I did well for the math term.. I froze up for the last question - I kind of knew the answer but didn't know how to get it out.. I hate when that happens.. As far as I can tell, I believe I have two or three obvious wrong answers.. I know some of them I had an answer but I don't quite think I did it all correctly.

It's funny during the graphing, I was struggling with the first one because my points weren't lining up.. so I went to the next one, it wasn't a problem.. moved on and eventually headed back to my graph.. after redoing my points, I finally got a straight line!

I think I might actually pass my math class for once. I'm certainly doing a TON better than I ever have!

Spring break is next week! I can't wait to just hang out and go out! It's supposed to warm up finally and hit the 50s this week!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

School rants

The teacher didn't accept any of my tardy work :( Oh well. I've got more tardy work for my other class that the teacher is actually accepting so I'm thrilled. Which I'm almost entirely caught up on.. especially this terrible outline. Why am I hating this thing so much? It's not all that bad.. ah.

Chicago finally had some spring like weather! I slept for most of it due to a cold but I did go out and got some much needed food shopping done!

Back to the salt mines of homework and studying.