Monday, April 14, 2008

Hormonal? Possibly, maybe.

Yesterday I just finished my 10 day birth control and today.. I cried. I failed my third Physical Science exam. I did not intend on crying in the slightest but when trying to figure out why I'm doing so terrible on these tests seem to fall on deaf ears. I kept telling him "I'm not a science nerd but between the book, your lectures and the CD [that comes with the book] and these tests, nothing seems to match." He just eventually told me that each question is in the book. Confused, slightly, I told him there aren't any multiple choice questions in the book.. He never makes a study guide.. he thinks it's equivalent to his "free answers" in class.

Otherwise, he thought I was pushing myself too hard during my crying fit. I repeated my question for like the third time about some 30 points he's not been clear on.. only to finally have it pointed out that it's 2 chapters from the book. Oh. That. Plus I'll have the two summaries that I'll be working on this week. That's another 20 points.. to get a C in this class.. I need to get like 150 on the final. I can't get past 43 on the last three exams and I need an extra 100 points to make it on the final? Are ya kidding me!?

I tried getting a study session with the smart ass in the class.. It's a science nerd thing - they just say yes or no for an answer but that doesn't help me. I need background help - I don't know why it's that answer.. and she looks at me with some weird expression like I'm responding to her in sign language.

So to make my day not even the slightest bit better, my sign language interpreter can't show up for my math class. And there's no sub.. I can hear my teacher but I can't always understand him due to his accent.

We have a math quiz on Wednesday so hopefully I'll do OK.

Here's hoping tomorrow is better...

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