Friday, September 5, 2008

Lack of Posting

Since school has started, I've been a bit busy. I only go twice a week but still that's five hours on Monday & Wednesday's. I'm taking Environmental Biology 119 and Math 118, and at the moment Math is harder. I know that comes with the territory when taking another math class but.. man, it's about Logic at the moment.. and no use numbers yet which is driving a bit nuts. Besides my life has hardly any real Logic in it.. Make some sense is all I ask.

Biology is interesting though.. I just find it kind of funny that the professor looks like an artist or an art professor who I'd expect to see walk into my parents Gallery when I was a kid.

Emotionally, I've been kind of blah.. but really, really am missing yoga. I've been searching around for some DVDs to possibly buy and get back into the groove of doing Yoga again.. I don't know if I'll actually be able to commit to it and I know it'll lack the better feeling of being in class.. but I'm desperate.. I'm a poor college kid, work with me here, folks!

I did find a class in Hatha yoga that's at our school. Tomorrow I'm going to work on contacting the school or stopping by to see how I can sign up for it.. and if financial aid pays.

Otherwise, the building I live in is doing a newsletter and I'm on the committee. It's kind of nice to be a little involved here. I should do that in school as well - I need to work on signing up for tutoring so I don't fail either one of my classes this semester.

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