Friday, March 28, 2008

Stressful, Long Week

I'm not going to go into too many details.. but I did have a really long week. By Wednesday night I felt like I've gone crazy. Oddly enough, no crying happened this week so consider it a good thing. I've just been feeling so out of control - spring break just wasn't long enough! I made it to most my classes but just had way too many moments where nothing felt OK. By Wednesday afternoon, all I could think about was getting home and staying in bed.. Thursday I made it to class, was a few minutes late but I made it.. I certainly kept my promise to myself to make it to my classes! I just couldn't focus on anything.. Luckily I had a great therapy session where I was able to vent all of my frustrations and she told me what I already knew but it seriously helps to actually hear it too. It's basically telling me I can't control everything and I shouldn't try.. and the fact that I haven't done any homework this week, it's OK. It's OK because tomorrow is another day. So.. today I felt pretty good for once! Tired strangely, but better than the four days before.

Other than that, I am seriously hoping for a good nights sleep, get up early, head out to a library maybe so my friend and I can get another museum card.. If no one has any then... I'll go by myself..

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