Right now I'm hanging out at the good ol' Apple store on Michigan Avenue. Man, I want one of these fancy smancy machines!!

Anyway, I've had a ton going on lately. I was in an accident the other day. All is well, I'm fine. I don't have any marks thankfully! I expected a big bruise on my forehead but nothing!

I've been at Northwestern Memorial Hospital that's behind the Apple store since 9am. I had one cup of coffee from Au Bo Pan.. I don't know how to spell it but I also got a Pecan Roll. Yum yum. I'll enjoy that in a little bit. Silly me, I forgot to pack myself a lunch.
My health is fine for the most part. I'm finally exercising a bit more. I went swimming on Monday, that felt really good. I even did some running in the water and that really got my skin warm. On Tuesday, I was supposed to go to Physical Therapy but I didn't because of the accident. So I went home and conked out for four hours! I just wanted a short nap. Therefore, sleeping Tuesday night wasn't all the smooth.
Wednesday I took it easy since the junk in my chest was bothering me as well as my back.
Today is my doctor appointment.. and eventually physical therapy and THEN.. yoga.
I'm so proud of myself for following through most of my scheduled activities because I tend to easily turn it down. I'll make some sort of excuse and not follow through. Which then leads to tons of guilt when I go to bed. I'll toss and turn because I didn't do what I said I would do. I'm really working on changing that this year.
I took some pictures of my recent meal creations. Those photos are on my camera and I haven't uploaded them yet.
I have to head back to the hospital at 1:30 and I'm already restless. The joys of coffee! I didn't drink some when I got up, I actually didn't feel like making it! How crazy is that??
I'll update more as things come along.
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