Sunday, May 25, 2008

Life is better in pictures..

I went to a carnival today but didn't really start taking photos until we left.. and then some when I got home..

My hallway outside my apartment.. our place is being worked on.

Me wearing a flower my girlfriend picked for me.,

A gas station by the bus stop..

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Chocolate.. please?

Man, I'm sitting here after having a very pleasant night with my mommy.. We went to a nice little Thai restaurant near my apartment and now I want Chocolate.. I know this means I'm having my period soon.. kinda sucks since I need to go to bed early.. I might just cave and head to the store tonight.. Cus I need coffee too.

All's good.. little stressful with a friends medical emergency but she's doing well. :)

Going away now.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Work til the Sun comes up

Cloudy or not.. I'm still up.. I was mostly distracted on the web but then I finally got to work on my final Presentation for my Humanities class.

But here's some great news...

I PASSED PRE-CREDIT TWO MATH!! Next fall I get to take math 118! FINALLY. I am BEYOND thrilled for once to be doing well with math! I had a great teacher who started off with basics and worked our way up.. The interesting thing was a lot of the semester was very similar to Math 99 and a lot of what the teacher did, helped clear up SO MANY PROBLEMS I WAS HAVING! MAN! I am just thrilled to finally make a leap..

Now I am exhausted. Off for a few hours of sleep.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Finals... not fun

I have two final exams tomorrow. One is for my Physical Science class and the other is part two of my Math exam.

I'm hoping to do well on my math exam but I'm going to leave some studying as last minute since as a big theme in Hope tonight, I really hope to get a good nights sleep.

I have to get up early since I am going to WalMart tomorrow. I bought a bunch of bras and blindly picked the wrong size.

I wish I posted more often.. maybe when finals are done and I figure out what I'll be doing for the summer, I'll start posting a bit more often. :D